Do I need a gun and other questions about yesterday's coup attempt

Where are the police?

What would Hamilton do? Am I surprised? Why can criminals and traitors use Facebook to stage a coup?

I had so many questions yesterday — what finally convinced Jack Dorsey to pull the plug on Trump’s Twitter account?

Where are the police?

Is that guy with no shirt on actually wearing horns?


One thing at all times was perfectly clear and remains so today for which I thank my parents and grandparents. I am willing to fight for America and her glory. I will risk everything except my family to defend our republic and democracy and the idea of a more perfect union.

Do I need a gun to fight for the soul of America? No, I’ve decided. Not now. There are enough guns and people willing to use them already. This might change, though, and if it does I will get a gun and use it fiercely.

For now I will use my words and my actions as swords and my values ammunition. For now I will deny what white supremacists and domestic terrorists want — for me to be crippled with fear. My fear is just that — mine — and I will use it to fuel the battle against anyone who dares test my commitment to justice, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

For now I will see the helpers and help others regardless of partisan affiliation or box some special interest group houses them in to fight their own version of a coup.

For now I will find strength in art and music and support artists representing what we saw yesterday, how we feel and who we are. I will inspire myself with books, plays and movies about courage and what’s right and take cues from minds greater than my own. I will support our true leaders.

Social media has to be made better and do better.

What will the history books say? Who are the heroes?