What is white privilege? Jodi Shaw's race discrimination complaints against Smith College

If you just read the complaint Jodi Shaw filed with the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination and posted on her GoFundMe page you might think, “oh, the poor thing” and send her a couple bucks to fight cancel culture but scratch the surface and alarm bells ring.

“Cha-ching” is what Jodi Shaw hears. As of today her grievances have raised $287,000 and her sob story is being recycled all over the Internet by those who think racism is not the problem in the United States but rather that too many white people are accused of racism.

Not that lily white Jodi Shaw was falsely accused — that was two other Smith college employees unrelated to Shaw who can and did fend for themselves. Shaw’s big gripe is that as an employee she was not allowed to perform the duties of her job explaining stuff in rap to 600 students on campus in August 2018 wearing black Rasta-like spikey braids, apparently.

In July and August of 2018 Smith College was grappling with the issue of race and the country was reeling in racial tension and Shaw feels discriminated against because Smith College tried to do its part to help solve the problem. Amid a reckoning not seen since the civil rights movement and with white supremacy and right-wing violence on the rise Shaw thinks her artistic expression as an employee and desire to break out and become a pop star on the clock is protected by the constitution. It’s the epitome of white privilege and made worse by her capitalization of fake victimhood and other aggrieved white people sending her money.

Another big gripe is that Smith College required employees including Shaw to attend a retreat to get training about cultural competency and race. Like people who refuse to wear masks during COVID as a form of aggression masked as protest, Shaw refused to talk at the retreat. She claims Smith College forcing her to talk about race was harmful and discriminatory yet she goes on YouTube every fifteen minutes to raise money talking about race as if she’s an expert because her feeling were hurt.

She couldn’t participate in one training session without being traumatized? She’s made 15 videos and raised money off an appearance on Tucker Carlson and Tweets esoteric mumbo-jumbo to deflect her hollow claims.

“The repeated insistence that our ability or willingness to engage in these performative rituals as a continued condition of our employment is a potent brand of harassment - the kind everyone colludes in because we are too afraid not to.”

Give me a break. Talk about fragility. One retreat? This is harassment? Was the buffet lunch cold?

White Jodi Shaw, a Smith alum, has no right to her job at a private college and could work elsewhere but instead she brought bogus claims to get attention and money and now is reveling in her role as Internet darling. She has become a poster girl for “freedom” in right-wing America because she couldn’t perform in an auditorium dressed up like L’il Kim. She’s probably pissed about Dr. Seuss and Aunt Jemima, too.

But she worked so hard on her rap performance! It’s so unfair!

Smith College staff who facilitate housing and orientation-type programs for students are expected to be culturally competent and trained? Outrageous.

Shaw is not Nicolas Sandman – the kid who was the target of vigilante journalism because he wore a MAGA hat at the Lincoln memorial and sued Jeff Bezos the owner of the Washington post for defamation. He had a legitimate beef.

Jodi Shaw is a poser and an opportunist, in my opinion. She is piggy-backing on others’ potentially legitimate claims and exaggerates her pathetic story of entitlement. She was offended Smith College hosted events she wasn’t required to attend but did and felt "uncomfortable” because racism was the subject. She denies white privilege exists and is manipulating civil rights laws to hold up Smith College and have a moment of fame on You Tube and raise money for a fake cause. I hope Smith College wins the case.